Like Breathing

Like Breathing is a space I've carved out to display a selection of my ongoing and constantly evolving photography projects.
My interest spans across many different types and styles including: travel, architecture, abstract, landscapes, street and of course people. Photography allows me to capture how I view the world and the diversity it presents. This site is a medium for collating and sharing those visions.

I've always had a fascination for the messages that can be interwoven into an image which naturally lead me to photography, as a method for capturing my own. Photography forces you to not just look, but observe and absorb every situation and event. Everything becomes a picture, but does that picture contain impact and purpose? Does it need to? You press the shutter, sometimes you're not sure why. In that unconscious moment you're driven by an impulse, an intuition, an instinct; it's like breathing.

Why Like Breathing?

I've always been a fan of Drum & Bass and have followed its conception since the early 1990's. One of the most influential record labels of the time was Moving Shadow, their 100th release was celebrated by a track called 'The Shadow' in 1997. There was one particular remix called 'Process mix', this mix featured a four minute brooding intro which slowly built with the reading from a passage of abstract prose, I found this captivating. A few years later I discovered these words were taken from a book called 'Process' by the Tomato Project. On a whim I bought this book to discover Tomato was a group of graphic designers who also formed the group Underworld. The book is a collection of art, design, photography and typography which I found hugely influential and inspiring. This was just the thing I'd been working towards but never knew existed. A few more years later I completed my Escapee book.

Where my time goes:

Perfecting vs Sleeping Rocking vs Rolling

Listening vs Explaining Living vs Remembering

Learning vs Guessing Working vs Creating

Thinking vs Relaxing Observing vs India

Where else to find me: